Diablo 2 key locations
Diablo 2 key locations

diablo 2 key locations

The main objective when the player reaches Uber Tristram is to find and defeat Uber Mephisto, Uber Baal, and Pandemonium Diablo (because Uber Diablo already exists). There are also a variety of unique monsters, champions and their minions along with the masters of the pack, the Uber Prime Evils themselves. Uber Tristram has the same base structure as the regular Tristram but has a pack-load of hellish monsters, like the rare and powerful Balrogs. You will create the portal to Uber Tristram. Once you have all three Organs, you can to go back to Harrogath again and put them into the Horadric Cube and transmute them. Of course, the organs are still valuable, leaving them open to be traded for others. If they are opened in separate games, there is a chance that the same portal is opened leading to a waste of three different Keys. It is highly recommended that you collect all nine required Keys and open all the three Portals within the same game. They will give you, when defeated, Baal's Eye, Mephisto's Brain, and Diablo's Horn respectively, the Organs that will help you create the portal to Chaos Tristram. In a way, it is very similar to the Secret Cow Level, you will create a portal teleporting you to a place where you would have to fight one of either: Put them in the Horadric Cube and then transmute them. Once you have a complete set of three different Keys, head to Act V, Harrogath. It is advisable to only run them for only three keys that are required for quest completion. You can still run any one of them and continue to collect only one type of key. The dropping of keys is quite rare, sometimes dropping only one in 10-15 runs. They need to be killed in a Hell difficulty game in which they have a chance to drop the Keys of Hate, Terror and Destruction respectively along with their normal drop. To get the keys, the player has to kill one of the agents of the Prime Evils on the mortal plane. This means that the player will have to collect, in all, three keys of each type, which totals to nine keys. There are three different keys, and to open any one of the minor portals, a complete set of three different keys are required. The Keys are required to open the three portals that will help you collect the Organs. Nine total keys, three of each type, are thus the minimum required to access Chaos Tristam. These Organs, in turn, each require the collection of three Keys to open a portal which itself contains one Organ. The initiation of the quest involves the collection of the three separate Organs that will open the portal to Chaos Tristram when transmuted in the Horadric Cube. It can be said that it was created only to give high-level characters something to do. Considering that the Pandemonium Event is a only quest and is not available in the Single player or even open games, it cannot be said to be a part of official lore.

Diablo 2 key locations